Trip Report: Wilder Ranch Hike and Kiva Hot Tub Soak, October 2000

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know how the hike and hot tub went on Sunday. I had a lot of fun and I'm hoping everyone else did, too!

Nine of us met in the parking lot of Wilder at 8:45, ready for a walk along the bluffs. It looked for a bit like the weather wasn't going to cooperate (overcast and chilly...where's our long summer?) but it turned out to be quite warm, if not sunny. The trail was a very easy one, with the exception of a little "micro slough" on the one beach the trail crossed (which we jumped over or timed with the waves). Some of us got a little splashed but everyone was laughing so I think it was a success.

We saw pelicans, common mures and seagulls (among others). There were a few otters floating here and there, and some harbor seals resting on the rocks below. The only non-ocean life we saw were a couple of comical bunnies exchanging hiding places by darting across the path. Oh, and a a few joggers and a man with a guitar.

By 11:30 we were at Kiva, soaking in hot water, talking, and experiencing the Tsunami Jet (one very big jet that can blow you across a 10 foot tub). Next time, we'll let someone with her glasses *on* read the sign by the jets! The sun was out, so we got our nice day after all. By 1:30, we'd trickled out of Kiva and off to grab food or drive home.
