Trip Report: Huddart Park Hike, August 2001

Two of us enjoyed a mellow hike at Huddart Park on a beautiful Sunday in August. The sky was blue and the sun was warm -- perfect weather for a hike at shady Huddart Park.

We started our hike from the Miwok picnic area. We hiked on the Dean Trail first. When we got to McGarvey Gulch creek, we stopped for a breather and noticed that someone had worked very hard to build little rock sculptures all around the creek bed. The sculptures were built by stacking rocks one upon the other and so were somewhat fragile. We were pleased that we stopped as if we had just hiked past we probably would not have noticed the sculptures. I'll be interested to check out this creek bed again in future trips to see if the sculptures survive.

We headed on to the Crystal Springs trail and hiked on it until it hit the other part of the Dean Trail near the Werder picnic area and we took the Dean Trail back to Miwok and the car. We had a good time talking about a wide range of topics. I was so engrossed in conversation that I forgot to stop for lunch! I will remember this hike for the rock sculptures and for the amount of talking we did.
